The KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index allows high quality forecasting of economic cycles

In times of increasing speed, high intensity of competition, and volatility of international markets, high quality forecasts of economic activity play a key role in achieving business success. To meet market demands, the KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index and the KF2 Strategy Global Dynamic Index were developed. The KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index not only depicts the current economic situation but it allows, owing to its sophisticated analytics, excellent forecasting. Basis for the KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index is the compilation and weighting of global data of economic performance. A differentiation according to regions and countries played a key role in the development.
The KF2 Strategy Global Dynamic Index compiles the speed of the economic development. The quality of forecasting for the KF2 Strategy Global Dynamic Index is comparable to that of the KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index. New analytics allow projections including their probability for the KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index and den KF2 Strategy Global Dynamic Index. A high probability is a sign for high quality forecasts of the KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index and the KF2 Strategy Global Dynamic Index. The KF2 Strategy Global Dynamic Index shows the speed of growth for the global growth of the KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index. Of course, it is differentiated between positive growth, an economic upturn and negative growth, an economic downturn.
The KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index and the KF2 Strategy Global Dynamic Index were applied to various regions, for example Europe. The KF2 Strategy Global Growth Index becomes the KF2 European Growth Index relating to Europe, and the KF2 Strategy Global Dynamic Index becomes the KF2 Strategy European Dynamic Index. Following this approach, the KF2 Strategy European Growth Index shows the growth of the European economic performance, the KF2 Strategy European Dynamic Index the speed of growth of the European economic performance. Dr. Andreas Kipp, CEO and Managing Director of KF2 Strategy GmbH, points out: „The quality of both the forecasting and the findings pertaining to the economic development is particularly high when the global projections of the Strategy Global Growth Index and the KF2 Strategy Global Dynamic Index are seen in relation to regional growth projections and their anticipated speed. „

KF2 Strategy is an innovative top management consulting firm based in Munich and Stuttgart. It is known for its international implementation- and result orientied consulting expertise.

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