Altran and IndustrieHansa merge

This merger creates one of the largest engineering and consulting service providers in Germany and in the world

Munich, 21. December 2012 – The stock exchange listed and internationally renowned engineering service company Altran Group has acquired IndustrieHansa Consulting & Engineering GmbH. The combination of these two companies will create a service group which is one of the largest service providers in the world and Germany specialising in high-tech engineering and consulting. Both companies have accumulated more than 30 years of engineering expertise. Together with Altran, which is present in Germany with a workforce of around 1,000 at 12 locations, 3,000 employees will in future provide engineering and consulting services here. Worldwide, Altran has a workforce of around 20,000 and achieves sales of 1.5 billion euros.

„In the past 5 years IndustrieHansa, with the support of Findos, has undergone a formidable development. All strategic goals – such as top 10 in Germany or E2S supplier – have been attained. After this impressive phase in the company’s development it was time to set new goals and to pay due attention to the state of consolidation and the internationalisation of our business. Through the merger with Altran we have already achieved our objective of becoming by 2017 one of the top 5 engineering and consulting service providers in Germany. It will now be the management team’s task to forge ahead with the company’s operative development, the aim being to become one of the top 3 in Germany in the next few years“, stressed Uwe Hihn, CEO of IndustrieHansa Consulting & Engineering GmbH.

Together with Altran, IndustrieHansa is now extremely well placed strategically in the aviation domain and, it can consolidate its E2S supplier status at EADS and Airbus and expand the business further. In the automotive sector IndustrieHansa will also be able in future to do more for its customers over the whole product creation process. This is because the fusion will create a division with a worldwide presence and sales of more than 400 million euros. And in the energy sector, IndustrieHansa profits from the globally positioned service infrastructure of Altran.

„We are happy about the merger with IndustrieHansa since both companies fit perfectly together. With their focus on the high-tech engineering and consulting business in the automotive, aviation and energy sectors, both companies set great store by long-term customer relations with a high standard of quality and they offer a service mix comprising consultancy and development services over the whole product creation process, from the implementation of PLM and IT systems with the related training, development projects in the fields of mechanics and electronics, through to production planning and the related logistical processes“, explains Philippe Salle, Chairman of the Altran Group.

Über IndustrieHansa

Die IndustrieHansa mit Hauptsitz in München ist eines der größten Engineering-Unternehmen Deutschlands mit Fokus auf die Automobil- und Luftfahrtindustrie sowie die Energiebranche. IndustrieHansa wurde 1977 als klassisches Dienstleistungsunternehmen gegründet und hat sich in den letzten 35 Jahren zu einem anerkannten Anbieter hochwertiger Dienstleistungen entlang der Wertschöpfungsketten in den Zielmärkten entwickelt. IndustrieHansa beschäftigt zurzeit rund 1700 hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter in den Bereichen der Produktentwicklung und entlang des Produktionsprozesses. Zu den Alleinstellungsmerkmalen der IndustrieHansa gehört die nachhaltige Nutzung der Synergien zwischen Consulting, Training und Engineering, um gezielt den stetig steigenden Anforderungen der Kunden in Sachen Qualität, Flexibilität und Termintreue gerecht zu werden. In der Luftfahrtindustrie blickt IndustrieHansa auf mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung zurück. Hier gehört das Unternehmen zu dem elitären Kreis der Zulieferer für EADS und Airbus im Bereich der Entwicklung und Serienbetreuung von Flugzeugprogrammen. Eine feste Größe stellt Industriehansa auch auf dem automobilen Terrain dar: Hier zählen alle namhaften Automobilhersteller und Tier 1 Lieferanten zu langjährigen Kunden. Im Sektor Energietechnik arbeitet das Unternehmen sowohl im Umfeld der konventionellen Energiegewinnung als auch im Bereich der Entwicklung und Nutzung von regenerierbarer Energie.

IndustrieHansa Consulting & Engineering GmbH
Christian Kullmann
Taunusstr. 37
80807 München

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