Great success for the first CrowdDialog Europe in Helsinki

With over 300 delegates from 26 countries the CrowdDialog Europe has successfully premiered in Helsinki on 27th August 2015. Leading representatives from industry and politics discussed the opportunities and risks of crowd-based innovation processes.

Great success for the first CrowdDialog Europe in Helsinki

On August 27th, 2015, the Who’s Who of the international crowdfunding- and crowdinnovation-industry met at the first CrowdDialog Europe at the Astoria Sali in Helsinki to discuss the future of the industry. In addition to the European delegations, delegates from Japan, Malaysia, Israel, Canada and the United States had come to Finland to attend the conference.

Not only the economy, also politicians acknowledge a high priority of the topic. This is demonstrated by the support of EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger, who pointed out in his video message to the participants, that the existing banking system faces massive upheaval through the new technologies and innovations.

Of the same opinion is also the French Secretary of State for Digital Affairs, Axelle Lamaire. The long-standing advocate of net neutrality considers crowd-based innovation and upheaval processes as key factors for success in a business world, that is increasingly dominated by digital transformation.

„The premiere of the CrowdDialog Europe was a great success. Interesting guests, stimulating discussions and, of course, the lively exchange between the participants made the conference an unforgettable experience for all involved. Already, we have received the feedback that many participants want to be there again next year,“ says initiator Michael Gebert and adds: „Where the second CrowdDialog Europe will take place in the coming year, is not yet known. But already six countries andcities applied to be hosts next year. Which city we will decide upon, will be announced at the CrowdDialog Munich on 27th November 2015“.

For more information, please visit:

Quadriga Communication GmbH
Markus Nowak
+49 (0)30 – 30 30 80 89 – 17

Crowd Mentor Network
Dr. Michael Gebert
+49 (0)89 – 7873-254

About CrowdDialog Europe – united knowledge:
On August 27th the first CrowdDialog Europe took place at the historic Astoria Sali in Helsinki. The conference provides huge value for future-oriented decision-makers scientifically sound and comprehensive insights into the phenomenon of crowd-based innovation processes, financing scenarios and working models to identify and evaluate potential new business opportunities and trends in time.

About Dr. Michael Gebert:
For more than 20 years Dr. Michael Gebert is working in the context of the internet. As an expert in crowdsourcing and crowdfunding Dr. Gebert has a doctorate from the University of South Wales (UK). He regularly publishes articles on topics related to crowdfunding, -investing, and -sourcing.
Dr. Gebert is the initiator and organizer of the largest German crowdsourcing, crowdfunding- and crowd-innovation conference „Crowd Dialog“. The event came into being as a collaboration with the city of Munich, the Bavarian Ministry of Economy, the Chamber of Commerce of Munich and Upper Bavaria and the EU Commission. At the same time he is regularly invited as panelist and keynote speaker for international crowdsourcing and crowdfunding conferences, like the crowdsourcing Week Singapore or Crowdconf San Francisco.

Über CrowdDialog Europe – united knowledge:

Am 26. August 2015 findet im historischen Astoria Sali in Helsinki die Crowd Dialog Europe statt. Die Konferenz bietet zukunftsorientierten Entscheidern im Unternehmen einen wissenschaftlich fundierten und umfassenden aktuellen Einblick in das Phänomen schwarmbasierter Innovationsprozesse, Finanzierungsszenarien und Arbeitsmodelle, um potentielle neue Geschäftsfelder und Trends rechtzeitig erkennen und bewerten zu können.

Über Dr. Michael Gebert:

Dr. Michael Gebert ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren im Umfeld des Internet aktiv. Als Experte für CrowdSourcing und CrowdFunding hat Dr. Gebert an der University of South Wales (UK) promoviert. Er publiziert regelmäßig im Themenkontext Crowdfunding, -investing, und -sourcing.

Dr. Gebert ist Initiator und Produzent der größten deutschsprachigen CrowdSourcing-, CrowdFunding- und Crowd-Innovation-Konferenz \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“CrowdDialog\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“ in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt München, dem Bayerischen Wirtschaftsministerium, der IHK München und Oberbayern und der EU-Kommission. Gleichzeitig wird er selbst immer wieder als Panelist und Keynote-Speaker zu internationalen CrowdSourcing- und CrowdFunding-Konferenzen eingeladen, etwa zur Crowdsourcing Week Singapore oder Crowdconf San Francisco.

Crowd Mentor Network
Michael Gebert
Koppstr. 4
81379 München
+49 (0)89 – 7873-254

Quadriga Communication GmbH
Markus Nowak
Potsdamer Platz 5
10785 Berlin
030-3030 80 89 17